February, 2025
Hot Topics
South Truckee Meadows/Washoe Valley CAB:
In 2024, South Truckee Meadows/Washoe Valley Citizen Advisory Boards will be held in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December at 6 p.m. at the South Valleys Library, and also via ZOOM. The next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, April 3, 2025. Always check at the link below for the latest details regarding the agenda, cancellations, etc. For more information about the CAB and for the agenda, please click here...
The County has launched a new online public comment platform: SpeakUp, that allows residents to provide public comment at Board of County Commissioners meetings online. This effort will expand the opportunity to participate in meetings to those who cannot attend in person. Those who wish to appear in person to speak may also register to speak through this website.
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Media Release For Immediate Release www.washoecounty.us ![]() |
Contact: Amy Ventetuolo aventetuolo@washoecounty.us 775.328.2070 |
Reno, Nev. Dec. 20, 2018. Washoe County officials in partnership with FlashVote, are pleased to announce they are making civic participation more accessible and simpler for the residents of Nevada’s second largest county.
FlashVote is a cutting-edge survey provider that collects timely resident feedback on current municipal topics of concern. Washoe County plans to roll out no more than six, 1-minute surveys on timely county issues that residents from all areas of the community may receive by email, phone call, or text messages, depending on the method the participant chooses.
“With Washoe County nearly half a million residents and growing, it is our goal to provide platforms that allow them to share feedback on issues in our community,” says Washoe County Manager, John Slaughter.
Any Washoe County resident simply needs to sign up, and as a part of the survey pool they will quickly receive a notification whenever a survey is launched by Washoe County. Participants will have up to 48 hours to complete the survey before it closes. Once the survey closes, FlashVote immediately tabulates all the responses, and provides the results to FlashVote participants, Washoe County staff and public.
All results are anonymous and FlashVote does not share any personal information. To sign up for FlashVote, please click here.
For questions, please contact Washoe311 by dialing 3-1-1- from any phone.
Are you ready? Washoe County urges
residents to sign-up for emergency alerts
With recent emergencies, now is the
time to sign up for EAS & WEA alerts!
(Go to the Washoe County Alert Systems Sign Up Form)
Washoe County Partners with the Cities of Reno and Sparks to institute a notification system for use in times of crisis. The Rave Alert system relays emergency messages simultaneously through various methods. Rave Alert is a cloud-based software solution that is trusted nationally by government agencies.
When a crisis occurs, local public safety officials use a few methods to alert the public:
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
The Wireless Emergency Alerts system is an essential part of America's emergency preparedness. Since its launch in 2012, the WEA system has been used more than 78,000 times to warn the public about dangerous weather, missing children, and other critical situations – all through alerts on compatible cell phones and other mobile devices.
WEA is a public safety system that allows customers who own compatible mobile devices to receive geographically targeted, text-like messages alerting them of imminent threats to safety in their area. WEA enables Washoe County Emergency Management to target emergency alerts to specific geographic areas – Incline Village, for example.
The EAS is a national public warning system used by Washoe County to deliver important emergency information to affected communities. EAS participants – radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers – deliver local alerts on a voluntary basis, and they are required to provide the capability for the President to address the public during a national emergency.
**No system can ever be guaranteed to be disaster-proof during the chaos of an emergency and unforeseen circumstances can make some modes of communication inoperable. By using these four methods local officials make every effort to keep the public informed. Again, Washoe County makes no guarantees that you will be notified during an emergency, so we encourage self-reliance. However, by signing up you will be included in the database for emergency notifications.**
Citizens can register for severe weather alerts through the National Weather Service. These alerts are designed to help citizens prepare for major storms that are forecasted to affect our region. The Emergency Email and Wireless Network provides breaking weather forecast news directly to email accounts, with links to the relevant radar maps. Log onto The Emergency & Wireless Network to register.
NV Energy Offers Ways Customers Can Control Costs
with Free Smart Thermostats
Did you know that half of your energy bill each month comes from heating or cooling your home? That's why PowerShift, by NV Energy is here to help you save. With our free Smart Thermostat, you can start saving up to $100 on your energy bill each year.
It's free and easy to save. Here's what's included:
You'll be helping the environment and joining the nation's largest energy efficiency effort of its kind.
PowerShift is your partner when it comes to saving energy. When you participate in voluntary Community Energy Events you help to lower the demand for energy during the hottest times of the day between June and September. This helps the environment because when less energy is demanded, less has to be generated.
Here's how you save during a Community Energy Event:
Shift into smart savings today:
(From the www.nvenergy.com/save-with-powershift/smart-thermostat website
- January 8, 2020)
NOTE: While the free kits are only available in January & February,
checking for Radon is always inportant.
January is Radon Awareness Month
Radon is the leading cause of cancer among nonsmokers and causes 21,000 deaths in the US each year. In January, the UNR Cooperative Extension (UNCE) in conjuction with the Nevada State Health Division offers informational presentations and free radon test kits. You may call the UNCE at (775) 336-0252 or visit them at extension.unr.edu/radon/Default.aspx. At this website, you can find a list of locations where you can pick up free test kits. The kits should be available through February (as supplies last).
At the website, you can also learn more about what radon is, what the risks are, how to test for it and how to mitigate if you have a problem (incluing links to certified Radon Mitigator Contractors).
Nevada & Washoe County have many areas with higher levels of radon. Everyone should test their home to be sure you are informed. Testing is easy. All the instructions are included with each kit.
The Pleasant/Steamboat Valleys’s Landowner’s Association (PSVLA) is Northern Nevada’s oldest Homeowner’s Association. The Association has changed a bit over the years, but still strives to keep members informed of issues that affect our area. The association spearheaded our Neighborhood Watch program.
We live in an area surrounded by growth and water issues. All homeowners should think about joining together with other neighbors to make their single voice a strong unified voice. PSVLA can and should be all that you want it to be. Get involved, get acquainted, know your neighbors and be active in issues that affect us all.
In the past, we have had at least 2 general membership meetings each year. Meeting announcements with the time and location are sent by email and sign placards are set up around the valleys. Our meeting usually consistent of a short business session followed by guest speaker(s) on a topic of general interest. We are always seeking anyone who would be interested in working with the association on its Board, committees or in any other capacity. To volunteer, please refer to the Contact Us page.
Please explore our website. You'll find a wealth of good information on various issues that interest all of us. We are glad you are here!
If you would like to join or renew your membership in the Pleasant/Steamboat Valleys Landowner's Association, please click on the link above. The $10.00 annual membership is open to all Pleasant and Steamboat Valleys landowners.